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  • alexisdietz17

Madrid, Spain 08/7/19

Updated: Dec 1, 2020

We were only in Madrid for less than 24 hours, landing Saturday at noon and flying home Sunday at noon. However, in that time we were able to fit tacos, churros, margaritas, a Christmas Market, an Enrique Iglesias Concert, and of course a trip to McDonalds. Sierra and I were very lucky to both find flights landing at the same time and to the same airport. She was coming from Greece and was was coming from Rome as you probably guessed. I figured we would find each other right away and hop in a taxi, but like how all of my plans go, it wasn't that simple. The airport was massive and our plans landed on opposite sides. It took us about an hour of tracking each others location and trying to get to one another for us to realize we were on different floors, but once we found each other it was just like your typical Hollywood airport scene; arm flailing, bags flopping, full sprint into a hug.

I had not seen Sierra since Paris, which as you know was an extremely successful trip. I was supposed to go visit her in Greece but being me I accidentally booked the ticked for the same weekend as London, don't ask me how I really don't know. So this was our first time reunited in a while and it would be our last Europe adventure together. We ordered an Uber and with our slightly below average

Spanish abilities we had no difficulty navigating the city.

We went to Takos Al Pastor for lunch, one of the most popular taco places in all of Madrid, according to my second aunts nephew who she dm'd me over facebook to reachout to if I ever go to Madrid. He must have been right tho because the line wrapped around the building and we waited for about and hour and a half to get our food. It was absolutely worth it. We ordered 12 tacos 2 quesadillas and a pitcher of margarita. The lady taking our order laughed when she heard it but we ate every bite.

After that we walked to the Christmas market in Plaza Major. I have taken many Spanish courses in my lifetime and in each the professor will talk about the Madrid Christmas Markets and the Piazza's with a tone and that makes me believe it is all they long for, and now I understood why. The place was hustling and bustling with people, everyone cheerful. There were people in Christmas costumes of all shorts and stands for absolutely any holiday need you may have, and a great big Christmas tree in the center. That is where we ate our churros and chocolate and did a little shopping.

From there we went back to the hotel to get ready for the concert. We were staying in an actual hotel and not a hostel. I felt like royalty sprawling out onto our queen sized bed, playing music as we tried on out fits and did our makeup, just like we used to do every Friday night back at school. The concert was amazing. It was mostly in Spanish but we still knew most of the words to the songs. We had general admission tickets in the pit so we danced all night right by the stag. After the show, still in a haze from the lights and the noise we wondered next door to a McDonalds and ordered twenty nuggets to take back to our room. We woke up early the next morning and headed to the airport.

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