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Amalfi Coast 09/07/19

Our first weekend trip was to the Amalfi Coast. We booked it through a travel agency called Bus2Alps. It is a travel group run by young people for young people, which was perfect for us. We arrived at our hotel in Sorrento late at night so we could not see much of the coast on the drive in. That made it all the more shocking to walk out of our hotel the next morning and see the gorgeous blue water stretching in every direction for miles. Our first day there we took a quick boat ride over to the Island of Capri. It was cute, but I am glad we were only there for the day because there is not all that much to do besides drink lemmonchello and shop. We took a ski lift to the very top of the island and enjoyed a Lemonchello Spritz. The view was incredible. I grew up in the great lake state so I am familiar with big blue bodies of water, but this was nothing like home. Yes, the waters of Mullet Lake and Mackinaw are a dazzling blue and the water is so clear you can see right to the bottom, but this water was a deep blue, a shade completely foreign to me. From atop the mountain you could see every shadow in the water from clouds passing over head. Our boat also stopped at the Blue Grotto, a little cave where when the light hits the water it causes the cave to glow. The Emperor Tiberius used to use it as his own private bath. We piled into little row boats, and were taken into the cave. The man who rowed the boats also sang songs in Italian that echoed throughout. We returned to Sorrento that night for dinner and some drink at the English Garden. The next day we were off to Positano. We took a booze cruise there and back, stopping to jump off the boat and swim on the way there. Positano was bigger than Capri but not by much. The pastel colored houses stacked onto of one another creating a wonderful spectacle. We walked through the town and its little shops full of beach attire and accessories. We stopped to buy a few Peronis on the way back down to the beach. The beach was made entirely of black rocks which made it gorgeous to look at but very difficult to walk on. We spent the rest of our day there admiring the views and being amongst friends. Then we got back on the boat and headed for Santorini. That night we ate dinner at this restaurant on the edge of a large dock where you could hear the waves role in and see the lightning circle a volcano in the distance. All an all it was a wonderful trip.

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